‘Being mindful is simplicity itself, but it’s not easy’
– Jon Kabat Zinn


Learn how to let go of rumination and compulsive worrying. Learn how to come into the present moment with mindful attention.

 We all have the faculty of being mindful, so we can train ourselves to develop the skill to ‘know what is happening when it is happening, without preference’.

‘By being with yourself, by watching yourself in your daily life…with the full intention to understand rather than to judge…you encourage the deep to come to the surface and enrich your life…This is the great work of awareness; it removes obstacles and releases energies by understanding the nature of life and mind….’
N. Maharaj.

Heartfelt : Mindful Compassion (4 weeks, in person)

New to Mindfulness? Wish to deepen your practice?
Learn how to let go of distraction and compulsive worrying.
Learn how to come into the present moment with mindful attention. 

4-week course with Sally Dunne
Wednesdays 10.30 am – 12 noon, 2nd- 23rd October, 2024
Martello Room, St. Joseph’s Parish Centre
Glasthule, Co. Dublin. A96 FW66
(Early Bird: pay by 25th September only €95)

Compassion is at the heart of this introductory course. We all have an internal self-critic, constantly judging and criticising how we think, what we do and how we feel about ourselves. Learn some simple mindfulness practices, with an attitude of kindness and self-acceptance, to help quieten this critical voice and counter it with compassion for self and others.

The course will include:

  • Why self- compassion is not the same as self-indulgence
  • Why the brain has a negativity bias
  • Simple mindfulness meditation practices
  • Compassionate Body Scan
  • Gentle mindful movement – either seated or standing.
  • Audio recordings to use at home in your own time.

This course can be used as a lead-in to future Mindfulness Based Living Courses.

Mindfulness Meditation (8 weeks, in person)

New to Mindfulness? Wish to deepen your practice?
Learn how to let go of distraction and compulsive worrying.
Learn how to come into the present moment with mindful attention.

Dates: TBC

This 8 week online course in secular mindfulness meditation (MBLC) helps us bring the gift of the present moment more fully into daily life. We all have the faculty of being mindful, so we can train ourselves to develop the skill to ‘know what is happening when it is happening, without preference’.

Through the course you will learn techniques of Mindful Meditation and develop the attitudes of acceptance and loving kindness, so you can let in and savour the moments of richness and connection that are there in your life to be experienced.

The course includes:

Eight x two-hour class sessions in-person

A free online introductory 2-hour session to learn about the course


A ‘Mindful Morning’ – In-person

Fee: €240 for 8 week course


Minor Hall, St. Paul’s Parish Centre, Silchester Rd/Adelaide Rd. Glenageary, Co. Dublin, A96 TW98

Accredited by The Sanctuary, Dublin and The Mindfulness Association, UK.

“If you have ever thought of doing a meditation course, I would strongly recommend Sally’s Mindfulness Based Living Course. The course itself is a practical experiential one and you will also be given a clear, user-friendly textbook/workbook and audios of guided meditations to access throughout the 8 weeks and in your future practice.

Sally is ‘a safe pair of hands.’ She provides calm and clear instructions and a safe environment to begin the practice of mindfulness. I am so glad I completed the course and I feel that mindfulness has the real potential to affect my life for the better.”

Cathy Roe

“I would highly recommend the 8-week course in MBLC. Sally is a very experienced and excellent tutor. She embodies mindfulness on a personal and professional level.

The personal benefits of practicing mindfulness for both body and mind are amazing and life changing.

Mindfulness training should be an integral part of secondary school educational system – it is a life-long skill that shouldn’t be underestimated.”

Deirdre Blount

Mindful Mondays

Let’s sit together in a gentle secular Mindfulness practice online.

Weekly (online)
Mondays: 6-6.45pm (excl. bank holidays)

Open to newcomers and seasoned meditators alike and participants of the Mindfulness Based
Living Course.

Sessions will include a guided meditation and/or easy, safe Mindful Movement using the breath.

(No session on bank holidays)

Suggested donation €5 per session